SOURCE FILE: pumpkinShell.cpp


using namespace std ;
void MakeOneJack () ;
void MakeBase() ;

/* ************************************************************** */
/*                        FUNCTION: MAIN                          */
/* ************************************************************** */
int main()
      Here in this main() function put code that declares variables,
      prints the information and directions, gets the input from the
      user, does the error checking, and produces the output.

      To help keep the main program uncluttered, consider utilizing
      additional functions to do some of these tasks - like a function
      to print the information and directions, and another function to
      get a value from the user.

      To print the column of pumpkins, use a loop here in main() with a
      body that contains a CALL to the function MakeOneJack().

      To make the base, place a CALL to MakeBase() here in main().

      Here in main() DO NOT put cout statements that make parts of a pumpkin
      or parts of a base.  Put such cout statements only in the functions
      MakeOneJack() and MakeBase().


/* ************************************************************** */
/*                       FUNCTION: MakeOneJack                       */
/* ************************************************************** */
/* Inside the body of the MakeOneJack() function below, put code to print one
   copy of the M figure - just code to make ONE.  In other words, put
   code inside MakeOneJack() that will print this:
             |  <\ />  |
             | \  ^  / |
             \  '-'-'  /
          jgs '--'----'
   When you write the code, you have to be careful, because some of the
   characters in the pumpkin are backslashes.  You will remember that you 
   need to add an escape character just prior to each of those 
void MakeOneJack () 
       /* code for function MakeOneJack goes in here,
          under this comment, and between the braces. */


/* ************************************************************** */
/*                       FUNCTION: MakeBase                       */
/* ************************************************************** */
/* Inside the body of the MakeBase() function below, put code to
   print one copy of the base - just one.  In other words,
   code that will print this:
void MakeBase()
       /* code for function MakeBase goes in here,
          under this comment, and between the braces. */


/* ************************************************************** */