SOURCE FILE: 040_catORnothing.cpp

/* This program illustrates that it's possible to use a compound statement
   as the YES option of an if-statement. 

   Also it illustrates the use of a char variable, here to store the 
   response of the user.  
#include <iostream>
using namespace std ;

int main (void)

   char response ;

   cout << "\nI can draw a cat for you - or not.\n" ;
   cout << "Which would you like to see?\n\n" ;
   cout << "Enter 'c' for cat or 'n' for nothing: " ;

   cin >> response ;

   if (response == 'c')
      cout << "         /\\_/\\\n" ;
      cout << "    ____/ o o \\\n" ;
      cout << "  /~____  =*= /\n" ;
      cout << " (______)__m_m)\n" ;

   cout << endl ;

   cout << "Thanks for using this program.\n\n" ;

   return 0;