SOURCE FILE: tileShell.cpp


This program makes tile patterns -- diagrams like the one below.  The
diagrams represent a tiled surface.  The user tells how many tiles long and
wide s/he wants the pattern to be, and the program makes the diagram.



#include <iostream>
using namespace std ;

void printInformation(void) ;
  /* Tell the user about the program. */

void getDimensions (int & length_x, int & width_x) ;
  /* Write a prompt to cin for two dimensions and 
     put the values into the parameters. */

void makePattern (int p_length, int p_width)  ;
    /* Make a diagram representing a tiled surface "p_length" tiles down the
       screen and "p_width" tiles across the screen.  */

int main()
   int length, width ;
   printInformation() ;
   getDimensions (length, width) ;
   makePattern (length, width) ;
   return 0;

void printInformation(void) 
   cout << endl ;

       /* Put Code Here That Writes The Information */

   cout << endl ;

/* ************************* */
/*       GET DIMENSIONS      */
/* ************************* */
void getDimensions (int & length_z, int & width_z) 
       /* Put Code Here That Gets The Dimensions */


void makeHorizBorder (int b_width) ;
/* Function makeHorizBorder makes parts like this:

that fit into patterns like this:

b_width is the number of tiles across that the 
pattern extends.

void makeTileRow (int b_width) ;
/* Function makeTileRow makes parts like this:
that fit into patterns like this:

b_width is the number of tiles across that the 
pattern extends.

/* ************************* */
/*        MAKE PATTERN       */
/* ************************* */
void makePattern (int p_length, int p_width)  
  int rowNum ;
  cout << endl ;

  /*  Put Code Here That First Calls makeHorizBorder To Make The 
      First Horizontal Border.  Use p_width As The Argument. 
      Next Put Code Here That Runs A Loop That Iterates (Repeats) 
      p_length Times, And Calls makeTileRow And makeHorizBorder 
      In Each Iteration (Also Using p_width As The Argument). */

  cout << endl ;
  return ;

/* ************************* */
/*     MAKE HORIZ BORDER     */
/* ************************* */
void makeHorizBorder (int b_width) 

/*  Here Put Code That First Makes A Group Of Eight Equal Signs
    Like This:


    And Then Runs A Loop That Makes b_width-1
    Runs Of Nine Equal Signs In Each Run.

    Include Code At The Very End That Writes A Newline.



void  makeCourseInteriorStrand (int b_width) ;
/* Function makeCourseInteriorStrand makes parts like this:

that fit into patterns like this:

b_width is the number of tiles across that the 
pattern extends.

/* *************************** */
/*        MAKE TILE ROW        */
/* *************************** */
void makeTileRow (int b_width) 

        Put Code In Here That Just Calls makeCourseInteriorStrand
        Four Times.  Use b_width As The Argument.  


/* *************************** */
/* *************************** */
void  makeCourseInteriorStrand (int b_width) 
/*  Here Put Code That First Makes This Pattern:


    And Then Runs A Loop That Makes b_width-1
    Runs Of This Pattern: 


    In Each Run.

    Include Code At The Very End That Writes A Newline.

