SOURCE FILE: candyClmnTD_L2.cpp


using namespace std ;
void PrintInfoForUser() ;
int GetUserValue () ;
bool IsBadValue (int value);
void PrintErrorMessage (int badValue) ;
void MakeCandyColumn (int numCandies) ;

int main()
  PrintInfoForUser() ;
  int numM = GetUserValue() ;
  if   ( IsBadValue(numM) ) 
         PrintErrorMessage(numM) ;
  else   MakeCandyColumn(numM) ; 
  return 0 ;

void PrintInfoForUser() 
  cout << "\nThis program has a sweet theme.\n" ;
  cout << "It uses ASCII art to make a column of candy. You may\n" ;
  cout << "request a column containing between 1 and 6 M candies.\n\n" ;

int GetUserValue () 
   int value ;
   cout << "How many Ms would you like to see? ===> " ;
   cin >> value ;
   return value ; 

bool IsBadValue (int value)
  if   ( (value < 1 ) || (value > 6) )
       return true ;
  else return false ; 

void PrintErrorMessage (int badValue ) 
   cout << endl ;
   if       ( badValue < 0 ) 
             cout << "Negative: bad value.\n" ;
   else if  ( badValue == 0 ) 
            cout << "Zero: bad value.\n" ;
   else     /* case where badValue > 6 */
            cout << "More than six: bad value.\n" ;  
   cout << endl ;

void MakeOneM () ;
void MakeBase() ;

void MakeCandyColumn (int numCandies) 
   cout << endl ;
   for (int i = 1; i<=numCandies; i++) 
       MakeOneM() ;

   MakeBase() ;
   cout << endl ;

void MakeOneM () 
      /* stub code */
   cout << "Function MakeOneM executes\n" ;

void MakeBase() 
      /* stub code */
   cout << "Function MakeBase executes\n" ;
