SOURCE FILE: candyClmnTD_L1_b.cpp


using namespace std ;
void PrintInfoForUser() ;
int GetUserValue () ;
bool IsBadValue (int value);
void PrintErrorMessage (int badValue) ;
void MakeCandyColumn (int numCandies) ;

int main()
  PrintInfoForUser() ;
  int numM = GetUserValue() ;
  if   ( IsBadValue(numM) ) 
         PrintErrorMessage(numM) ;
  else   MakeCandyColumn(numM) ; 
  return 0 ;

void PrintInfoForUser() 
    /* stub code */
   cout << "\nHere Function PrintInfoForUser writes info.\n\n" ;

int GetUserValue () 
   /* stub code */
   cout << "Here GetUserValue executes\n\n" ;
      /* return something the main program can use */
   return 20 ; 

bool IsBadValue (int value)
   /* stub code */
   cout << "Here IsBadValue executes\n\n" ;
      /* return something the main program can use */
   return true ; 

void PrintErrorMessage (int badValue ) 
   /* stub code */
   cout << "Here PrintErrorMessage executes\n\n" ;

void MakeCandyColumn (int numCandies) 
   /* stub code */
   cout << "Here MakeCandyColumn executes\n" ;
   cout << "The value of the parameter: numCandies is: "
        << numCandies << endl << endl ;