ID Error Solo #2 Results (phone letters) CODE Score Code(s) DUE: Thurs Mar 6 x0929 98 S2(2) ERROR CODE LEGEND x1434 100 x1732 96 P7(2),S2(2) ERR POINTS EXPLANATION x2273 100 CODE OFF x2439 100 Timing & Form of Submission x2700 87 T1(1),P8,S2(2) T1 10/day Late (due Thurs Mar 6) x3309 100 T2 100 Too late to be accepted (after Mar 12) x3991 100 T3 100 No Source Received x4124 88 P4(1),S3 T4 15 No E-mail of Script x4374 94 T5,P7 T5 5 Either or both E-mail(s) with wrong subject line x5065 90 P1 ("CS1500Solo2Source" and "CS1500Solo2Script") x5801 100 x6368 99 S1(1) Compilation x6870 96 P7,S2(3) C1 50 Program does not compile x7340 94 P7,P8(2),S2(3) C2 3 Format or minor error prevents compilation x8380 98 S2(2) x8843 84 P4(3),P7,S1(3) Program Logic & Results x9452 99 S1 P1 10 Information message missing x9916 98 S2(2) P2 5 Major error(s) in information message P3 10 Prompt for input missing or not correct P4 4 ea Incorrect output case P5 5 Extra input or output P6 5 Wrong data type for a variable P7 1 ea Minor defect in output format P8 >=1 ea Output message not as specified Format & Style of Program F1 3 Formatting defects - lack of enough indentation (2-5 blanks), long lines, use of TAB characters (bad idea) Second 'offense' - an additional point off Script S1 1 ea missing test of bad input type S2 1/pair missing test for output of 2,3,4,5,6,7,8, or 9 S3 8 extremely small amount of testing Miscellaneous M1 Please make an appointment to see me. (n) number of times, e.g. T1(2) means two days late