SOURCE FILE: fvShell.cpp

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>

using namespace std ;

       /* PROTOTYPES */

  void   PrintDirections() ;
      /* Exactly what this function must do:
         Print directions for the user of the program. */

  double GetPmt() ;
      /* Exactly what this function must do:
         Prompt the user to enter the amount 
         of the weekly payment, read it in, 
         and return it to the caller. */

  double GetRate() ;
      /* Exactly what this function must do:
         Prompt the user to enter the amount 
         of the annual interest rate, read it in, 
         and return it to the caller. */

  int GetNumWeeks() ;
      /* Exactly what this function must do:
         Prompt the user to enter the number 
         of weekly payments, read it in, 
         and return it to the caller. */

  double Compute_FV(double P, double R, int N)  ;
      /* Exactly what this function must do:
         Return the future value of N payments 
         of P dollars at annual interest rate 
         percentage R. */

  void Report_FV(double P, double R, int N, double fv) ;
      /* Exactly what this function must do:
         Report to the user -- tell the user 
         that fv is the future value of N payments 
         of P dollars at annual interest rate
         percentage R. */

/* **************************************** */
/*                 MAIN                     */
/* **************************************** */

int main ()

/* **************************************** */
/*               PRINT DIRECTIONS           */
/* **************************************** */

/* Exactly what this function must do:
   Print directions for the user of the program. */

void PrintDirections()

/* **************************************** */
/*                    GETPMT                */
/* **************************************** */

  /* Exactly what this function must do:
     Prompt the user to enter the amount 
     of the weekly payment, read it in, 
     and return it to the caller. */

double GetPmt() 

/* **************************************** */
/*                    GETRATE               */
/* **************************************** */

  /* Exactly what this function must do:
     Prompt the user to enter the amount 
     of the annual interest rate, read it in, 
     and return it to the caller. */

double GetRate()

/* **************************************** */
/*              GETNUMWEEKS                 */
/* **************************************** */

  /* Exactly what this function must do:
     Prompt the user to enter the number 
     of weekly payments, read it in, 
     and return it to the caller. */

int GetNumWeeks()

/* **************************************** */
/*              COMPUTE_FV                  */
/* **************************************** */

  /* Exactly what this function must do:
     Return the future value of N payments 
     of P dollars at annual interest rate 
     percentage R. */

double Compute_FV(double P, double R, int N) 

/* **************************************** */
/*              REPORT_FV                   */
/* **************************************** */

  /* Exactly what this function must do:
     Report to the user -- tell the user 
     that fv is the future value of N payments 
     of P dollars at annual interest rate
     percentage R. */

void Report_FV(double P, double R, int N, double fv) 

/* **************************************** */
/*                   END                    */
/* **************************************** */