SOURCE FILE: checksLev1.cpp

#include <iostream>
using namespace std ;

  /* function prototype */
int GetDim (void) ;
   /* return a positive value from the user */

  /* function prototype */
void MakePattern(int the_width, int the_height) ;
   /* write a checker pattern to the screen,
      the_width checks wide and the_height checks high. */

int main (void)
   int width, height ;

   width = GetDim() ;  // We don't need to write virtually the same 
   height = GetDim() ; // code twice - instead we call the function twice.

   MakePattern(width, height) ;

   return 0;

  /* function definition */
int GetDim() 
     /* STUB CODE */
  cout << "GetDim runs to get a dimension.\n" ;
  return 8 ;

  /* function definition */
void MakePattern(int the_width, int the_height) 
     /* STUB CODE */
  cout << "MakePattern runs to make a " << the_width
       << " by " << the_height << " check pattern.\n" ;