SOURCE FILE: list.cpp

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

const int MAX_LIST = 100 ;
typedef string  ListItemType;

class List
  List();  // default constructor
            // destructor is supplied by compiler

// list operations:
   bool isEmpty() const;
   // Determines whether a list is empty.
   // Precondition: None.
   // Postcondition: Returns true if the list is empty;
   // otherwise returns false.

   int getLength() const;
   // Determines the length of a list.
   // Precondition: None.
   // Postcondition: Returns the number of items
   // that are currently in the list.

   void insert(int index, ListItemType newItem,
               bool& success);
   // Inserts an item into the list at position index.
   // Precondition: index indicates the position at which
   // the item should be inserted in the list.
   // Postcondition: If insertion is successful, newItem is
   // at position index in the list, and other items are
   // renumbered accordingly, and success is true;
   // otherwise success is false.
   // Note: Insertion will not be successful if
   // index < 1 or index > getLength()+1.

   void remove(int index, bool& success);
   // Deletes an item from the list at a given position.
   // Precondition: index indicates where the deletion
   // should occur.
   // Postcondition: If 1 <= index <= getLength(),
   // the item at position index in the list is
   // deleted, other items are renumbered accordingly,
   // and success is true; otherwise success is false.

   void retrieve(int index, ListItemType& dataItem,
                 bool& success) const;
   // Retrieves a list item by position.
   // Precondition: index is the number of the item to
   // be retrieved.
   // Postcondition: If 1 <= index <= getLength(),
   // dataItem is the value of the desired item and
   // success is true; otherwise success is false.

   void print() const;
     /* output the elements of the list to standard output */
   int seek(ListItemType key, bool & success) const ;

      /* look in the list for an item (key) and, if found, report its
	 location, else report failure. Postconditions: If the key is found
	 the value returned is its logical position in the list (between 1 and
	 size) and success is set to 'true'.  If the key is not found, then
	 success is set to 'false' and the function returns 0. */

   void sort () ;

            Sort the items in the list, from smallest to largest.


   ListItemType items[MAX_LIST];  // array of list items
   int          size;             // number of items in list

   int translate(int index) const;
        // Converts the position of an item in a list to the
        // correct index within its array representation.

   int seekMax (int endPos) const ;
          /* Locate a maximum item in the list between position 1 and position
	     endPos, and return its (logical) postition in the list.

   void swap (ListItemType & x, ListItemType & y) ;
          /* interchange the two items. */
};  // end List class

List::List() : size(0)
}   // end default constructor

bool List::isEmpty() const
   return size == 0;
}  // end isEmpty

int List::getLength() const
   return size;
} // end getLength

void List::insert(int index, ListItemType newItem,
                  bool& success)
   success = (index >= 1) &&
             (index <= size + 1) &&
             (size < MAX_LIST);
   if (success)
   {  // make room for new item by shifting all items at
      // positions >= index toward the end of the
      // list (no shift if index == size+1)
      for (int pos = size; pos >= index; --pos)
         items[translate(pos+1)] = items[translate(pos)];
      // insert new item      
      items[translate(index)] = newItem;
      ++size;  // increase the size of the list by one
   }  // end if
} // end insert

void List::remove(int index, bool& success)
   success = (index >= 1) && (index <= size) ;
   if (success)
   {  // delete item by shifting all items at positions >
      // index toward the beginning of the list
      // (no shift if index == size)
      for (int fromPosition = index+1;
               fromPosition <= size; ++fromPosition)
         items[translate(fromPosition-1)] = items[translate(fromPosition)];
      --size;  // decrease the size of the list by one
   }  // end if

}  // end remove

void List::retrieve(int index, ListItemType& dataItem,
                    bool& success) const
   success = bool( (index >= 1) && (index <= size) );
   if (success)
      dataItem = items[translate(index)];
} // end retrieve

int List::translate(int index) const
   return index-1;
} // end translate

int List::seekMax (int endPos) const
  int maxLoc = 1 ;
  for (int i=2; i<=endPos; i++)
         if (items[translate(i)] > items[translate(maxLoc)]) maxLoc = i ;
  return maxLoc ;

void List::swap (ListItemType & x, ListItemType & y)
  ListItemType temp ;
  temp = x ;
  x = y ;
  y = temp ;
void List::print() const 
  ListItemType item ;
  bool success ;
  cout << endl ;
  for (int j=1; j<=size; j++)
    retrieve(j, item, success) ;
    if (success) cout << item ;
    else cout << "retreval failure" ;
    cout << endl ;
  cout << endl ;

int List::seek(ListItemType key, bool & success) const 
  int position = 0;
  ListItemType item ;
  bool ok ;
  success = false ; 
  while ( !success && (position < size) )
    position++ ;
    retrieve (position, item, ok) ;
    if (!ok)
      cout << "retrieval failure\n" ;
      exit(1) ;
    else success = (item == key ) ;
  return position ;

void List::sort () 
  int maxLoc ;
  for (int i=size; i>1; i--)
     maxLoc = seekMax(i) ;
     swap(items[translate(i)], items[translate(maxLoc)]) ;

//  End of implementation code

int main ()
  List my_list ;
  bool success ;
  my_list.insert(1, "Hello", success) ;
  my_list.insert(1, "Hey", success) ;
  my_list.insert(1, "Zymurgy", success) ;
  my_list.insert(1, "Yawning", success) ;
  my_list.print() ;
  my_list.sort() ;
  my_list.print() ;
  int location ="Hello",success) ;
  if (success) 
     cout << "The 'Hello' string is in position " << location ;
  else cout << "The 'Hello' string could not be found" ;
  cout << endl ;
  location ="Yawning",success) ;
  if (success) 
     cout << "The 'Yawning' string is in position " << location ;
  else cout << "The 'Yawning' string could not be found" ;
  cout << endl ;
  location ="Jello",success) ;
  if (success) 
   cout << "The 'Jello' string is in position " << location ;
  else cout << "The 'Jello' string could not be found" ;
  cout << endl ;
  return 0 ;  