CS 1500, Fall 2013 Lab #1 Results (Song Lyrics) Team Error ERROR CODE LEGEND Code Score Code(s) ERR POINTS 120 100 CODE OFF EXPLANATION 125 94 W4(2) 130 96 S2(2) N1 5 Missing names 135 98 S2 140 100 S1 80 Missing source code 145 96 S2(2) S2 2 ea Missing or extra blank lines 150 100 S3 3 Title not centered 155 100 S4 7 Missing Title 160 100 S5 3-10 Text or format incorrect 165 100 170 100 T1 10 Missing script 175 90 S2(5) 180 92 S2(1),W4(2) W1 10 Missing Notes 510 100 W2 2 ea Notes not done as computer file 515 100 W3 1 or 2 Some text cut off 520 87 S3,S2(5) W4 3 ea Questions/answers missing/incorrect 525 98 S3 530 97 L1 Late 535 93 S4 540 98 S2 (n) Number of errors of a type - e.g. S2(3) 545 100 550 94 W4 555 97 S3 560 78 S2,T1,L1 570 100 580 80 S2(1),W4(6) 590 98 S2