ID Error Solo #3 Results (Annuity Payout) CODE Score Code(s) DUE: Thurs Mar 28 x0026 ERROR CODE LEGEND x0380 x0515 100 x0797 91 P9,P11,F1 ERR POINTS EXPLANATION x0941 87 T1,F1 CODE OFF x2301 70 T1,P10,S1(2) Timing & Form of Submission x2734 100 x2838 84 T1,F1,P8 T1 10/day Late (due Friday, Apr 08) x4235 100 T2 100 Too late to be accepted x5076 100 T3 100 No Source Received x5167 87 P10,F1 T4 5 No E-mail of Source, but hardcopy received x6394 94 P7,F1 T5 15 No E-mail of Script x6692 97 F1 T6 5 E-mail message(s) with wrong subject line x7145 90 P10 ("CS1500Solo3Source" and "CS1500Solo3Script") x7498 x7928 97 F1 Compilation x8255 82 T6,P7,P10 C1 50 Program does not compile x8297 87 P10,F1 C2 3 Formatting errors prevented compilation x8564 100 x8667 100 Program Logic & Results x9534 100 P1 <=5 Inadequate initial message x9959 100 P2 3ea Missing, extra, or incorrect prompts or other output P3 5 Extra Inputs P4 5 Inputs out of order P5 5 Assumption of incorrect format for input P6 5ea Incorrect or missing echo of input P7 3 Missing dollar ($) sign in output P8 3 Missing percent (%) sign from output P9 Wrong number of digits after decimal point 3 in one of the output numbers P10 Wrong number of digits after decimal point 10 in all numbers output (or most) P11 3ea Outputs out of order P12 15 Wrong formula for FV P13 Caller of function does not assign 5 the return value to a variable Script S1 5ea Missing test from script Format & Style of Program F1 Formatting defects - lack of indentation, 3 tabs, long lines F2 5 Less than four functions - each missing Miscellaneous M1 Please make an appointment to see me.