(Latest Revision: Tue Oct 30 11:24:54 PDT 2012 ) edit instructions

Edit Instructions

Here are instructions on how to transform the ascii figure of the
jack o'lantern into C++ code for drawing the jack o'lantern on
the screen.

Make a copy of the MakeOneJacko() function shell in a separate

Start up a jove session to edit this file.

Paste a copy of the jack o'lantern into the function body so it
looks like this:

void MakeOneJacko()
       /* code for function MakeOneJacko goes in here,
          between the braces. */
     .', ,  , , : : ` ` `  `.
    / , , \'-._ : :_.-'/ ` ` \
   / , ,  :\(_)\  /(_)/ : ` ` \
  | , ,  ,  \__//\\__/ . . ` ` |
  | . .:_  : : '--`: : . _: ; :|
  | : : \\_  _' : _: :__// , , |
   \ ` ` \ \/ \/\/ \_/  / , , /
    \ ` ` \_/\_/\_/\_/\/ , , /
     `._ ` . :  :  :  , , _.'
        `-..............-' bni


Move the cursor to where it is positioned above the jack
o'lantern figure.

Do the following jove command

esc r

(That means tap the escape key and then tap the r-key. You will
see this prompt at the bottom of the terminal window:

: replace-string 

Type this: \\

(This tells jove that you want to replace each backslash with
something.  You have to type two backslashes above because the
backslash is the escape character for jove)

Then press the enter or return key.  Now you will see this at the
bottom of the screen:

: replace-string \\ with 

Type this: \\\\

(This means you want to replace each backslash with two
backslashes.  Since jove uses the backslash as an escape
character, you have to type four of them when you mean two.)

The command line will now look like this:

: replace-string \\ with \\\\

Press enter again.  The editor will replace each backslash in the
figure with two backslashes.

Now move the cursor back so it is above the jack o'lantern again
and use the esc r command a second time to place a backslash
character before each double-quote character.

Your final command line at the bottom of the screen for this 
esc r command will look like this:

: replace-string " with \\"

Once you have executed that command, you can finish off the
transformation by putting

   cout << "

at the start of each line of the figure, and placing 

\n" ;

at the end of each line of the figure.  Now it's code that draws
the figure!!

You can create a macro in jove to place the

   cout << "

at the start of each line, and the 

\n" ;

at the end of each line.

You would move the cursor to the beginning of the first line of the ascii
figure sequence, then type

ctrl-x (

Now you are defining your macro.  You then type 

   cout << "

then you use the ctrl-e command to move to the end of the line, then type

\n" ;

then use ctrl-a followed by ctrl-n to move to the beginning of the next line.
After that, type 

ctrl-x ) 

to stop recording the macro.  Now, after making sure that the cursor is at the
beginning of a line of text that you want to change into a cout statement, if
you type

ctrl-x e

then the macro will execute and transform the line.  If you want to 
transform several lines at a time, you can do a command of the form

esc n ctrl-x e

This will execute the macro n times, and therefore transform n lines.  For
example if you type

esc 10 ctrl-x e

that transforms the next 10 lines into cout statements.