/* Program to display the floor space for a room Finished program. All stubs code has been replaced with the final version of the function code. */ #include using namespace std ; /* ================================== */ /* FUNCTION DECLARATIONS (PROTOTYPES) */ /* ================================== */ void directions(void); /* Print directions for using the program. */ int GetDim(void); /* Prompt the user for one dimension of a floor and return that dimension */ int area(int length, int width); /* Return the floor space (area of the floor) given two dimensions (length and width). */ /* ================================== */ /* ================================== */ int main(void) { int dim1, // one dimension of the room dim2, // another dimension of the room FloorSpace; // area of floor in room /* Step One: Print Directions for the user */ directions() ; /* Step Two: Get the dimensions of the floor from the user */ dim1 = GetDim(); dim2 = GetDim(); /* Step Three: IF either dimension is not positive print an error message ELSE Compute FloorSpace as product and print the answer out for the user to see */ if ( (dim1 <= 0) || (dim2 <= 0) ) // invalid data { cout << "\nSorry, only positive dimensions are allowed.\n"; cout << "Please reexecute the program.\n\n"; } else // valid data { FloorSpace = area(dim1, dim2); cout << "\nThe floor space is " << FloorSpace << " square feet.\n\n"; } return 0; } /* ================================== */ /* FUNCTION DEFINITIONS */ /* ================================== */ /* ================================== */ void directions(void) { cout << "\nThis program will give you the floor space "; cout << "in square feet\n" ; cout << "for a room of your choosing.\n\n" ; } /* ================================== */ /* ================================== */ int GetDim(void) { int dimension; // one dimension of floor cout << "Type one dimension of the floor in feet: "; cin >> dimension; // pass the value obtained back to the caller return dimension; } /* ================================== */ /* ================================== */ int area(int dim1, int dim2) { // calculate the value and pass it to the caller return (dim1 * dim2); } /* ================================== */