SOURCE FILE: lab02.cpp

/*  start of file lab02.cpp */
    lab02.cpp.  This program reads two positive integer seeds 
    M and N with M > N and displays a Pythagorean triple, 
    which consists of three positive integers that represent 
    the sides of a right triangle.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std ;

int main(void)
    /* ***a*** Declare M and N and comment on their meanings */

    /* ***b*** Display this text: "A Program to Calculate Pythagorean Triples" */

    /* ***c*** Prompt for a positive integer seed N, and then read it */
    /* ***c*** Prompt for a positive integer seed M > N, and then read it */

    /* ***b*** Display this text: "The Pythagorean Triple" */

    /* ***d*** Calculate and display Side one */
    /* ***d*** Calculate and display Side two */
    /* ***d*** Calculate and display Hypotenuse */

   return 0;
/*  end of file lab02.cpp */