(Latest revision: Fri Apr 27 15:23:50 PDT 2012)

SOURCE FILE: shellForTile.cpp


This program makes displays like the following.

|                            ||                            |
|++++++++/ _  _ \++++++++++++||++++++++/ _  _ \++++++++++++|
|+++++++|  d  b  |+++++++++++||+++++++|  d  b  |+++++++++++|
|+++++++\   /\   /+++++++++++||+++++++\   /\   /+++++++++++|
|+++++/ /        \ \+++++++++||+++++/ /        \ \+++++++++|
|++++| /          \ |++++++++||++++| /          \ |++++++++|
|++++\/ \        / \/++++++++||++++\/ \        / \/++++++++|
|++++++++'.    .'++++++++++++||++++++++'.    .'++++++++++++|
|++++++++/|\  /|\++++++++++++||++++++++/|\  /|\++++++++++++|
|                            ||                            |
|                            ||                            |
|++++++++/ _  _ \++++++++++++||++++++++/ _  _ \++++++++++++|
|+++++++|  d  b  |+++++++++++||+++++++|  d  b  |+++++++++++|
|+++++++\   /\   /+++++++++++||+++++++\   /\   /+++++++++++|
|+++++/ /        \ \+++++++++||+++++/ /        \ \+++++++++|
|++++| /          \ |++++++++||++++| /          \ |++++++++|
|++++\/ \        / \/++++++++||++++\/ \        / \/++++++++|
|++++++++'.    .'++++++++++++||++++++++'.    .'++++++++++++|
|++++++++/|\  /|\++++++++++++||++++++++/|\  /|\++++++++++++|
|                            ||                            |
|                            ||                            |
|++++++++/ _  _ \++++++++++++||++++++++/ _  _ \++++++++++++|
|+++++++|  d  b  |+++++++++++||+++++++|  d  b  |+++++++++++|
|+++++++\   /\   /+++++++++++||+++++++\   /\   /+++++++++++|
|+++++/ /        \ \+++++++++||+++++/ /        \ \+++++++++|
|++++| /          \ |++++++++||++++| /          \ |++++++++|
|++++\/ \        / \/++++++++||++++\/ \        / \/++++++++|
|++++++++'.    .'++++++++++++||++++++++'.    .'++++++++++++|
|++++++++/|\  /|\++++++++++++||++++++++/|\  /|\++++++++++++|
|                            ||                            |


#include <iostream>
using namespace std ;

  /* function prototype */
void GetDims (int & width, int & courses) ;
   /* Get dimensions from the user */

  /* function prototype */
void MakePattern(int the_width, int the_height) ;
   /* write a pattern to the screen,
      the_width squares wide and the_height squares high. */

  /* function prototype */
void MakeCourse (int a_width) ;
  /* This function makes one 'course' of a 'square' pattern.  The argument
      a_width denotes how many squares there are, running from left to right.

  /* function prototype */
void MakeLayer (int layer, int w_width) ;
  /* This function repeats one layer of a tile (one line's worth) to
     make one layer of a course.  For example, a call of MakeLayer(6 , 2) 
     would make this output:


     because the sixth line in this tile

|                            |
|++++++++/ _  _ \++++++++++++|
|+++++++|  d  b  |+++++++++++|
|+++++++\   /\   /+++++++++++|
|+++++/ /        \ \+++++++++|
|++++| /          \ |++++++++|
|++++\/ \        / \/++++++++|
|++++++++'.    .'++++++++++++|
|++++++++/|\  /|\++++++++++++|
|                            |

     looks like this:


     and that line of the tile has to be repeated 2 times when the width of
     the course is 2.

int main (void)
   int width, courses ;

   return 0;

  /* function definition */
void GetDims (int & width, int & courses) 

  /* function definition */
void MakePattern(int the_width, int the_courses) 

  /* function definition */
void MakeCourse (int a_width)

  /* function definition */
void MakeLayer (int layer, int a_width) 