(Latest Revision: Fri Apr 27 15:21:03 PDT 2012 ) Sample Runs

Sample Runs

These runs show how your program should perform:
Script started on Thu Apr 12 02:17:32 2012
lucifer.local>> a.out

How many tiles wide do you want your floor to be? 0
How many courses do you want in your floor? 3

Dimensions must be positive

lucifer.local>> a.out

How many tiles wide do you want your floor to be? 1
How many courses do you want in your floor? 1

|                            |
|++++++++/ _  _ \++++++++++++|
|+++++++|  d  b  |+++++++++++|
|+++++++\   /\   /+++++++++++|
|+++++/ /        \ \+++++++++|
|++++| /          \ |++++++++|
|++++\/ \        / \/++++++++|
|++++++++'.    .'++++++++++++|
|++++++++/|\  /|\++++++++++++|
|                            |

lucifer.local>> a.out

How many tiles wide do you want your floor to be? 1
How many courses do you want in your floor? 2

|                            |
|++++++++/ _  _ \++++++++++++|
|+++++++|  d  b  |+++++++++++|
|+++++++\   /\   /+++++++++++|
|+++++/ /        \ \+++++++++|
|++++| /          \ |++++++++|
|++++\/ \        / \/++++++++|
|++++++++'.    .'++++++++++++|
|++++++++/|\  /|\++++++++++++|
|                            |
|                            |
|++++++++/ _  _ \++++++++++++|
|+++++++|  d  b  |+++++++++++|
|+++++++\   /\   /+++++++++++|
|+++++/ /        \ \+++++++++|
|++++| /          \ |++++++++|
|++++\/ \        / \/++++++++|
|++++++++'.    .'++++++++++++|
|++++++++/|\  /|\++++++++++++|
|                            |

lucifer.local>> a.out

How many tiles wide do you want your floor to be? 2
How many courses do you want in your floor? 3

|                            ||                            |
|++++++++/ _  _ \++++++++++++||++++++++/ _  _ \++++++++++++|
|+++++++|  d  b  |+++++++++++||+++++++|  d  b  |+++++++++++|
|+++++++\   /\   /+++++++++++||+++++++\   /\   /+++++++++++|
|+++++/ /        \ \+++++++++||+++++/ /        \ \+++++++++|
|++++| /          \ |++++++++||++++| /          \ |++++++++|
|++++\/ \        / \/++++++++||++++\/ \        / \/++++++++|
|++++++++'.    .'++++++++++++||++++++++'.    .'++++++++++++|
|++++++++/|\  /|\++++++++++++||++++++++/|\  /|\++++++++++++|
|                            ||                            |
|                            ||                            |
|++++++++/ _  _ \++++++++++++||++++++++/ _  _ \++++++++++++|
|+++++++|  d  b  |+++++++++++||+++++++|  d  b  |+++++++++++|
|+++++++\   /\   /+++++++++++||+++++++\   /\   /+++++++++++|
|+++++/ /        \ \+++++++++||+++++/ /        \ \+++++++++|
|++++| /          \ |++++++++||++++| /          \ |++++++++|
|++++\/ \        / \/++++++++||++++\/ \        / \/++++++++|
|++++++++'.    .'++++++++++++||++++++++'.    .'++++++++++++|
|++++++++/|\  /|\++++++++++++||++++++++/|\  /|\++++++++++++|
|                            ||                            |
|                            ||                            |
|++++++++/ _  _ \++++++++++++||++++++++/ _  _ \++++++++++++|
|+++++++|  d  b  |+++++++++++||+++++++|  d  b  |+++++++++++|
|+++++++\   /\   /+++++++++++||+++++++\   /\   /+++++++++++|
|+++++/ /        \ \+++++++++||+++++/ /        \ \+++++++++|
|++++| /          \ |++++++++||++++| /          \ |++++++++|
|++++\/ \        / \/++++++++||++++\/ \        / \/++++++++|
|++++++++'.    .'++++++++++++||++++++++'.    .'++++++++++++|
|++++++++/|\  /|\++++++++++++||++++++++/|\  /|\++++++++++++|
|                            ||                            |

lucifer.local>> exit

Script done on Thu Apr 12 02:18:22 2012