(Latest Revision: Thu Oct 27 18:54:07 PDT 2011 ) skullStackScript.txt


Script started on Thu Oct 27 18:36:19 2011
lucifer.local>> a.out

This program has a Halloween theme.
It uses ASCII art to make a stack of skulls.
You may request a stack containing between 1 and 10 skulls.

How many skulls would you like to see? ===> -34

Negative: bad value.

lucifer.local>> a.out

This program has a Halloween theme.
It uses ASCII art to make a stack of skulls.
You may request a stack containing between 1 and 10 skulls.

How many skulls would you like to see? ===> 2

OK: Here goes!

	    .-' 	'-.
	  .'		   '.
	 /		     \
	/		      \
	|		      |
	|     .-.     .-.     |
	| ;  /	 |   |	 \  ; |
	; |  \__/     \__/  | ;
	_\|	  /^\	    |/_
       /	 /   \	       \
       \____	 "`^`"	   ____/
	   |  )\_|_|_|_/(  |
	   |  \   ___	/  |
	   \   '.|_|_|.'   /
	    '.		 .'
	    .-' 	'-.
	  .'		   '.
	 /		     \
	/		      \
	|		      |
	|     .-.     .-.     |
	| ;  /	 |   |	 \  ; |
	; |  \__/     \__/  | ;
	_\|	  /^\	    |/_
       /	 /   \	       \
       \____	 "`^`"	   ____/
	   |  )\_|_|_|_/(  |
	   |  \   ___	/  |
	   \   '.|_|_|.'   /
	    '.		 .'

lucifer.local>> a.out

This program has a Halloween theme.
It uses ASCII art to make a stack of skulls.
You may request a stack containing between 1 and 10 skulls.

How many skulls would you like to see? ===> 0

Zero: bad value.

lucifer.local>> a.out

This program has a Halloween theme.
It uses ASCII art to make a stack of skulls.
You may request a stack containing between 1 and 10 skulls.

How many skulls would you like to see? ===> 2097

More than ten: bad value.

lucifer.local>> a.out

This program has a Halloween theme.
It uses ASCII art to make a stack of skulls.
You may request a stack containing between 1 and 10 skulls.

How many skulls would you like to see? ===> 3

OK: Here goes!

	    .-' 	'-.
	  .'		   '.
	 /		     \
	/		      \
	|		      |
	|     .-.     .-.     |
	| ;  /	 |   |	 \  ; |
	; |  \__/     \__/  | ;
	_\|	  /^\	    |/_
       /	 /   \	       \
       \____	 "`^`"	   ____/
	   |  )\_|_|_|_/(  |
	   |  \   ___	/  |
	   \   '.|_|_|.'   /
	    '.		 .'
	    .-' 	'-.
	  .'		   '.
	 /		     \
	/		      \
	|		      |
	|     .-.     .-.     |
	| ;  /	 |   |	 \  ; |
	; |  \__/     \__/  | ;
	_\|	  /^\	    |/_
       /	 /   \	       \
       \____	 "`^`"	   ____/
	   |  )\_|_|_|_/(  |
	   |  \   ___	/  |
	   \   '.|_|_|.'   /
	    '.		 .'
	    .-' 	'-.
	  .'		   '.
	 /		     \
	/		      \
	|		      |
	|     .-.     .-.     |
	| ;  /	 |   |	 \  ; |
	; |  \__/     \__/  | ;
	_\|	  /^\	    |/_
       /	 /   \	       \
       \____	 "`^`"	   ____/
	   |  )\_|_|_|_/(  |
	   |  \   ___	/  |
	   \   '.|_|_|.'   /
	    '.		 .'

lucifer.local>> exit

Script done on Thu Oct 27 18:37:26 2011