Solo #6 Results (Grader) ID Error DUE: Monday, December 5 CODE Score Code(s) ERROR CODE LEGEND x0397 85 P8,D2,D14 ERR POINTS EXPLANATION x0820 85 T1,D2 CODE OFF x0854 100 Timing & Form of Submission x1223 35 T1,D2 T1 10/day Late (due Monday, Dec 5) x1253 0 T3 T2 100 Too late to be accepted x1459 100 T3 100 No Source Received x1981 100 T4 5 No E-mail of Source, but hardcopy received x2305 80 T1,D2,D14 T5 15 No E-mail of Script x2340 0 T1,C1,P9 T6 5 E-mail message(s) with wrong subject line x2350 90 P8,D14 ("CS1500Solo6Source" and "CS1500Solo6Script") x2468 50 T1,F2,D2 x3098 100 Compilation x3361 90 D7,D14 C1 >=50 Program does not compile x4264 100 C2 3 Minor format errors prevented compilation x4297 94 F1,D15 x4589 100 Program Logic & Results x5465 95 T6 P1 15 Program does not read from a file x5518 100 P2 3 Program uses wrong name for input file x5655 97 F1 P3 Error in Column titles x5945 97 D15 P4 <=5 Error in Column Alignment x6085 100 P5 3 Errors in student number x6433 65 T1,D2 P6 Numbering OK, except it starts at 0 x6436 77 T1,D1 P7 10 Errors in counts of number correct x6472 100 P8 >=5 Errors in PASS/FAIL x6591 100 P9 <=100 Program just doesn't work x6745 57 T1,F1 x6747 0 T3 Format & Style of Program x6910 100 F1 3 Source has lines longer than 75 characters x6923 100 F2 5 Badly formatted/indented code x7091 97 S4,S5,S8 x7096 67 T1,F1 Program Design x7136 100 D1 3 Missing initial header comment x7173 60 T1,S1,S3,P9 D2 <=10 No, or very inadequate, function comments x7367 95 D14 D3 5 Some function comments missing x7510 100 D4 10 No functions with parameters x7588 85 S5,S6,F1,F2,D2 D5 10 Only one function besides main (should be >=2) x7693 85 T1,D2 D6 20 No other functions besides main x7703 87 D2,D15 D7 5 Function that does too many things x7848 95 F2 D8 Too many return statements x7899 85 T1,P8 D9 Too many exit statements x8057 100 D10 <=10 Global variable(s) x8974 95 D2 D11 <=10 Incorrect use of parameters x9215 69 T1,P4,P8,D15,S1,S3 D12 1 For each function that should be void but is not x9217 77 D2,D15,S1,S2,S3 Each function that creates a logical error x9276 100 D13 3 by failure to return a value x9463 52 T1,P4,D2 D14 5 Array bounds error x9486 97 F1 D15 3ea Minor logical error x9631 60 T1 D16 <=2ea Bad mnemonics x9677 100 D17 >=15 The problem has been oversimplified Script S1 5 Does not check for numStudents = 0 S2 5 Does not check for numStudents = 1 S3 5 Does not check boundaries with "testData_L" S4 1 Missing score of zero (000% right) S5 1 Missing score of 11 (055% right) S6 1 Missing score of 12 (060% right) S7 1 Missing score of 13 (065% right) S8 1 Missing score of 20 (100% right) S9 Does not cat the input files in the script S10 15 No script Miscellaneous M1 Creativity and/or Originality [+10] M2 Please make an appointment to see me.