Solo #5 Results (Wall) Student Error ERROR CODE LEGEND CODE Score Code(s) CODE EXPLANATION POINTS CODE Timing & Form of Submission #0144 100 T1 Late (due Monday, Nov 22) -10/day T1 #0689 100 T2 Too late to be accepted -100 T2 #0877 75 S2,D2,P7,P8 T3 No Source Received -100 T3 #1119 50 T1 T4 No E-mail of Source, but hardcopy received -5 T4 #1258 87 D1,D2 T5 No E-mail of Script -15 T5 #1662 92 F1,D2* T6 E-mail message(s) with wrong subject line -5 T6 #2335 90 D2 ("CS1500Solo5Source" and "CS1500Solo5Script") #3157 90 D2 #3207 50 T1 Compilation #3308 100 C1 Program does not compile -50 or more C1 #3310 100 C2 Minor format errors prevented compilation -3 C2 #3740 87 D1,D2 #4229 65 T1,S2,D2,P7,P8 Program Logic & Results #4513 50 T1 P1 Prompt not adequate -5 P1 #4860 97 F1 P2 Wall width or height off by one -10 P2 #4950 50 T1 P3 Wall width or height off by two or more -20 P3 #5343 0 T1,C1,P12,M1 P4 Program confuses width and height -5 P4 #5808 87 D1,D2 P5 Fence post problem not solved in one dimension -5 P5 #7531 100 P6 Fence post problem not solved in either dimension -10 P6 #7544 70 T1,D2 P7 Bricks are not spec'd size or shape -5 P7 #7630 80 T1 P8 Mortar is not as spec'd -5 P8 #8054 100 P9 Too few or many newline(s) between layers. -3/fn P9 #8055 0 T3 P10 Program solves a simplified problem -15 or more P10 #8835 100 P11 Program does not stop after making one wall P11 #9052 50 T1 (makes my job testing difficult) #9054 82 F1,D2,D5 P12 Program just doesn't work up to -100 P12 Format & Style of Program F1 Source has lines longer than 75 characters -3 F1 F2 Badly formatted/indented code -5 F2 Program Design D1 Missing initial header comment -3 D1 D2 No, or very inadequate, function comments -10 D2 D3 Program does not use functions appropriately -10 D3 D4 Program does not make proper use of parameters -10 D4 D5 Program uses global variable(s) inappropriately -5 D5 D6 Functions that should be void are not -1 ea D6 D7 Logical error: function does not return value -3 ea D7 D8 Bad mnemonics -1 or -2 ea D8 D9 Minor logical error -3 D9 Script S1 Not enough checks on boundary data values -5 S1 S2 Not enough checks on out of bounds values -5 S2 S3 Not enough checks on values well within bounds -5 S3 S4 No Script -15 S4 Miscellaneous M1 Please make an appointment to see me. M1