Solo #3 Results Student Error ERROR CODE LEGEND CODE Score Code(s) CODE EXPLANATION POINTS CODE Timing & Form of Submission #0144 100 T1 Late (due Friday, Oct 29) -10/day T1 #0689 82 T6,P9,S1 T2 Too late to be accepted -100 T2 #0877 100 T3 No Source Received -100 T3 #1119 97 P9 T4 No E-mail of Source, but hardcopy received -5 T4 #1258 87 P9,S1 T5 No E-mail of Script -15 T5 #1662 81 P7,P8,P10,F1 T6 E-mail message(s) with wrong subject line -5 T6 #2335 90 P10 ("CS1500Solo3Source" and "CS1500Solo3Script") #3157 100 #3207 97 F2 Compilation #3308 100 C1 Program does not compile -50 C1 #3310 100 C2 Formatting errors prevented compilation -3 C2 #3740 90 P10 #4229 90 P10 Program Logic & Results #4513 50 T1 P1 Inadequate initial message up to -5 P1 #4860 100 P2 Missing or inadequate prompts or other output -3 ea P2 #4950 79 P7,P8,P10,P12 P3 Extra Inputs -5 P3 #5343 97 P9 P4 Inputs out of order -5 P4 #5808 90 P10 P5 Assumption of incorrect format for input -5 P5 #7531 97 P9 P6 Incorrect or missing echo of input -5 ea P6 #7544 100 P7 Missing dollar ($) sign in output -3 P7 #7630 50 T1 P8 Missing percent (%) sign from output -3 P8 #8054 100 P9 Wrong number of digits after decimal point P9 #8055 0 T3 in interest rate -3 #8835 100 P10 Wrong number of digits after decimal point P10 #9052 70 T6,P10,P12,S1 in all numbers (or most) -10 #9054 100 P11 Wrong formula for FV -15 P11 Caller of function does not assign P12 the return value to a variable -5 P12 Script S1 Missing test from script -5 ea S1 Format & Style of Program F1 Formatting defects - lack of indentation, long lines -3 F1 F2 Less than four functions - each missing -5 F2 Miscellaneous M1 Please make an appointment to see me. M1