CS 1500 Grades on Lab #03 (Celsius and Fahrenheit) by team id codes

 ID       Score Info     Error Code(s)

1747: (100 - 005 == 095)    I
8000: (100 - 000 == 100)
BISS: (100 - 000 == 100)    N 
COOH: (100 - 000 == 100)
HOLA: (100 - 000 == 100)

Error List

Error  Point           Error
Code   Deduction       Description

A.     (-05)     E-mail had the wrong subject line.
B.     (-10)     I received the source code, but no script.
C.     (-03)     The script was not filtered.
D.     (-05)     The script does not match the source.
E.     (-05)     The program does not write prompt(s) for the input.
F.     (-02)     Misspelling in the output
G.     (-03)     In the output, inadequate spacing between text and number
H.     (-10)     Neither F_to_C nor C_to_F has a correct return statment.
I.     (-05)     Incorrect formula in one or both functions.
J.     (-15)     The C_to_F part was not done.
K.     (-10)     The F_to_C part is missing.
L.     (-03)     Incorrect ordering of statements added to main.
M.     (-100)    No-show
N.     ()        There was a problem with the source code format - 
                 please see me.

Scoring Method: 

3 points off for A, 
6 points off for B, and 
6 points for for D.  
For the rest, 
3 points off for each pair, and 
1 point for the odd one.