// Example 4.11. Interactive program to compute the raise of     
// a salaried employee. Those that earn less than $2000 a 
// month get a raise of $150 a month, and those with 
// salaries between $2000 and $5000 a month receive a raise 
// of $250 a month.   


    Note that this program uses function calls to return the value of a
    condition that is checked by and if-clause.  When there are complex
    conditions to check, this helps to keep the main program simple and easy
    to read.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std ;

int main(void)   
   void instructions(void);     // prototypes
   int ReadSalary(void);   
   int OutOfRange(int salary);   
   int NewSalary(int salary);   
   int salary;                 // monthly salary 
   salary = ReadSalary();   
   if (OutOfRange(salary))   
      cout << "\nThat salary is out of range\n";
      cout << "\nThe new salary is " << NewSalary(salary) << endl;
   return 0;
// Function to print instructions on what the program does   
// Pre:  none   
// Post: Instructions have been displayed.   
void instructions(void)   
   cout << "This program interactively reads a monthly salary\n";
   cout << "and computes a new monthly salary.  If the salary\n";
   cout << "is less than $2000 a month, the raise is $150 a month.\n";
   cout << "If the salary is between $2000 and $5000 a month,\n";
   cout << "the raise is $250 a month.\n\n";
// Function to read a salary interactively   
// Pre:  none   
// Post: The salary the user entered has been returned.   
int ReadSalary(void)   
   int salary;         // monthly salary 
   cout << "Type a monthly salary between $0 and $5000.\n";
   cout << "Do not use the dollar sign or commas.  ";
   cin  >> salary;
   return salary;   
// Function to return TRUE(1) if salary is out of range   
// Range: $0 - $5000   
// Pre:   salary is an integer.   
// Post:  A nonzero number (TRUE) has been returned if salary    
//        is not in range; 0 (FALSE) if it is.   
int OutOfRange(int salary)   
   return ((salary < 0) || (salary > 5000));   
// Function to return new salary.  For salaries < $2000,   
// raise is $150; for salaries between $2000 and $5000,   
// raise is $250   
// Pre:  salary is an integer between 0 and 5000.   
// Post: The modified salary (previous salary + raise)   
//       has been returned.   
int NewSalary(int salary)   
   int raise;            // monthly raise in salary 
   if (salary < 2000)   
      raise = 150;   
      raise = 250;   
   return (salary + raise);   