SOURCE FILE: housecos.cpp

// HouseCost program
// This program computes the cost per square foot of
// living space for a house, given the dimensions of
// the house, the number of stories, the size of the
// nonliving space, and the total cost less land
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>    // For setw() and setprecision()

using namespace std;

const float WIDTH = 30.0;		// Width of the house
const float LENGTH = 40.0;		// Length of the house
const float STORIES = 2.5;		// Number of full stories
const float NON_LIVING_SPACE = 825.0;	// Garage, closets, etc.
const float PRICE = 150000.0;		// Selling price less land

int main()
    float grossFootage;		// Total square footage
    float livingFootage;	// Living area
    float costPerFoot;		// Cost/foot of living area

    cout << fixed << showpoint;		     // Set up floating pt.
					     //	  output format

    grossFootage = LENGTH * WIDTH * STORIES;
    livingFootage = grossFootage - NON_LIVING_SPACE;
    costPerFoot = PRICE / livingFootage;

    cout << "Cost per square foot is "
	 << setw(6) << setprecision(2) << costPerFoot << endl;
    return 0;