SOURCE FILE: activity.cpp

// Activity program
// This program outputs an appropriate activity
// for a given temperature
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

void GetTemp( int& );			    // Function prototypes
void PrintActivity( int );

int main()
    int temperature;	// The outside temperature

    GetTemp(temperature);		    // Function call
    PrintActivity(temperature);		    // Function call
    return 0;


void GetTemp( int& temp )		    // Reference parameter

// This function prompts for a temperature to be entered,
// reads the input value into temp, and echo-prints it

    cout << "Enter the outside temperature:" << endl;
    cin >> temp;
    cout << "The current temperature is " << temp << endl;


void PrintActivity( int temp )		    // Value parameter

// Given the value of temp, this function prints a message
// indicating an appropriate activity

    cout << "The recommended activity is ";
    if (temp > 85)
	cout << "swimming." << endl;
    else if (temp > 70)
	cout << "tennis." << endl;
    else if (temp > 32)
	cout << "golf." << endl;
    else if (temp > 0)
	cout << "skiing." << endl;
	cout << "dancing." << endl;