SOURCE FILE: 08ValPrmNonSrtr.cpp

/* This program does not work.  Why not??  -- because the
parameters to the functions are not reference parameters. */
#include <iostream>

using namespace std ;
void swap (int  , int  ) ;
void sort (int  , int , int ) ;
void getValues (int & , int &, int &) ;
void writeValues (int  , int , int ) ;

int main(void)   
   int val1, val2, val3 ;

   getValues(val1, val2, val3) ;
   sort (val1, val2, val3) ;
   cout << "In sorted order, the values are: " << endl ;
   writeValues (val1, val2, val3) ;
   return 0;

/* Switch the values of x and y */
void swap (int   x, int   y)
  int temp = x ;
  x = y ;
  y = temp ;

/* Input three numbers and return the same three in ascending order. */
void sort (int   a, int  b, int  c)
  if (a > b) swap (a,b) ;
  if (b > c) swap (b,c) ;
  if (a > b) swap (a,b) ;

void getValues (int & i, int & j, int & k)
  cout << "Please enter three integers (in any order): " ;
  cin >> i >> j >> k ;

void writeValues (int   r, int  s , int  t)
  cout << " First: " << r << endl ;
  cout << "Second: " << s << endl ;
  cout << " Third: " << t << endl ;