SOURCE FILE: ex1002.cpp

// Example 10.2. Program to read golf scores until the user    
// types a trailer value and then to print those scores   
#include <iostream.h>
#include <iomanip.h>
int main(void)   
   const int MAX_NUM_PLAYERS = 100;   // maximum number of players
   const int TRAILER         = -9999; // trailer for input
   int score[MAX_NUM_PLAYERS],        // array of scores 
       player,                        // index for array 
       NumPlayers,                    // actual number of players 
       OneScore;                      // used to read a score 
   // read values for array score until trailer 
   cout << "\nPlease enter up to " << MAX_NUM_PLAYERS << " scores. "
        << "Enter " << TRAILER << " to signal end of data.\n";
   player = 0;   
   cin >> OneScore;
   while (player < MAX_NUM_PLAYERS && OneScore != TRAILER)   
      score[player] = OneScore;   
      cin >> OneScore;
   // print error message if too much data for array 
   if (player == MAX_NUM_PLAYERS && OneScore != TRAILER)   
      cout << "\nYou have entered more than " << MAX_NUM_PLAYERS 
           << " scores.\n"
           << "Only the first " << MAX_NUM_PLAYERS
           << " scores will be processed.\n";
   // last value of player is actual number of scores 
   NumPlayers = player;   
   // Print the scores 
   cout << "\n\tGolf Scores for Round:\n\n";
   cout << "\tPlayer #\tScore\n";
   cout << "\t________\t_____\n";
   for (player = 0; player < NumPlayers; player++)   
      cout << "\t"   << setw(4) << player + 1 
           << "\t\t" << setw(4) << score[player] << endl;

   return 0;