SOURCE FILE: 6.06CountDown.cpp

// Test program for CountDown of Example 6.6   
#include <iostream.h>
#include <iomanip.h>
int main(void)   
   void CountDown(int);   
   return 0;   

// Example 6.6. Function to count down from a positive parameter   
// to 1 and then to print Ignition, Blast off!   
// Pre:  CountFrom is a positive integer.   
// Post: The countdown or an error message has been printed.   
void CountDown(int CountFrom)   
   if (CountFrom <= 0)         // invalid argument 
      cout << "ERROR:  Counting down from "    
           << CountFrom << " <= 0\n";
   else                        // valid argument 
      while (CountFrom > 0)
         cout << setw(5) << CountFrom << endl;
      cout << "Ignition\n";
      cout << "Blast off!\n";