SOURCE FILE: ex0503.cpp

// Example 5.3.  Program to test polymorphic function 
// QualityPoints, which returns course quality points

#include <iostream.h>
#include <iomanip.h>

int main(void)
   float QualityPoints(int, int);       // prototypes
   float QualityPoints(int, int, int);

   cout << "Quality points for a 4-hour course taken\n";  
   cout << setprecision(3) 
        << setiosflags(ios::showpoint | ios::fixed);
   cout << "once,  grade--B:      " << setw(8) 
        << QualityPoints(4, 3) << endl;
   cout << "twice, grades-F and C:" << setw(8) 
        << QualityPoints(4, 0, 2) << endl;

   return 0;

// Polymorphic function to return the number of quality 
// points a student earns for a course
// Pre:  hours is the number of semester hours for a course.
//       QPperHr is the quality points per semester hour:
//       A - 4, B - 3, C - 2, D - 1, F - 0
// Post: The course quality points (hours * QPperHr) was
//       returned as a float.

float QualityPoints(int hours, int QPperHr)
   return float(hours * QPperHr);

// Polymorphic function to return the number of quality 
// points for a course taken twice (higher grade given)
// Pre:  hours is the number of semester hours for a course.
//       QPperHr1 is the quality points per semester hour 
//       for the first attempt: A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1, F-0
//       QPperHr2 is quality points/hour for the second attempt.
// Post: The course quality points (maximum of hours * QPperHr1 
//       and hours * QPperHr2) was returned as a float.

float QualityPoints(int hours, int QPperHr1, int QPperHr2)
   int MaxQPperHr;  // maximum of QPperHr1 and QPperHr2
   if (QPperHr1 > QPperHr2)
      MaxQPperHr = QPperHr1;
      MaxQPperHr = QPperHr2;
   return float(hours * MaxQPperHr);