Source Code for Lab #4

// LAB041.cpp. This program reads two SAT verbal scores
// (between 0 and 800) for a student and prints the larger

#include <iostream.h>

int main(void)
   void instructions(void);    // prototypes
   int ReadScore(void);
   int OutOfRange(int score);
   int max(int x, int y);

   int score1,         // SAT verbal score #1 
      score2;          // SAT verbal score #2 
   // call function instructions to print instructions 
   // obtain a value for score1 by calling ReadScore 
   // if score1 is out of range
   //    print an error message
   // else
   //    obtain a value for score2 by calling ReadScore
   //    if score2 is out of range
   //       print an error message
   //    else
   //       using function max print larger score 

   return 0;

// Function to print instructions on what the program does

void instructions(void)
   cout << "This program interactively reads two SAT\n";
   cout << "verbal scores and prints the larger\n\n";

// Function to read a score interactively   

int ReadScore(void)
   // stub for ReadScore 

// Function to return TRUE (1) if the SAT score is out of
// range, FALSE (0) otherwise.  Range:  0-800

int OutOfRange(int score)
   // stub for OutOfRange 

// Function to return maximum of two integer parameters

int max(int x, int y)
   // stub for max 