(Latest Revision: 11/12/2001 ) solo_2_ResultsByCode


This file shows grades on solo program #2, along with indications
of the problems and point deductions.  

Find your code number below.  

Look at the the codes and scores beside your code number.

Then see the "Legend" at the end of the file to determine the
meaning of the codes.  

See me if you have any questions or if you find an error.

0197:   A,C (100 - 10 - 3 == 87 ) 
0241:   apparently nothing turned in -- see me
0434:   apparently nothing turned in -- see me
0570:   A (100 - 10 == 90)
0713:   A,F(M,200000),K (100 - 50 == 50)
0890:   B,K (100 - 100 == 0)
1822:   A, E (100 - 50 == 50)
2075:   A,C,F (100 - 10 - 3 - 10 == 77)
2305:   100
2553:   apparently nothing turned in -- see me
2727:   100
3318:   F,G, H (100 - 10 - 3 - 10 == 77)
3454:   D (100 - 3 == 97)
3484:   100
4125:   A,K,F (100 - 10 - 6 - 10  - 4 == 70)
4748:   A,F,J,K (100 -20 -10 -2 -6 == 62) 
4987:   apparently nothing turned in -- see me
5573:   A, E (100 - 50 == 50)
6929:   A,N (100 - 10 - 4 == 86)
7418:   100
7883:   I (100 - 4 == 96)
7974:   F,H,K (100 - 10 - 10 - 6 == 74)
8182:   A (100 - 10 == 90)
8284:   apparently nothing turned in -- see me
8885:   A,E,L,M (100 - 50 == 50)
8887:   A (100 - 10 == 90)
8991:   A,D,K,F,J(100 - 10 - X - 6 - 10 - 2 == 72)
9317:   J (100 - 2 == 98)
9881:   G,L (100 - X - 100 == 0)


A. Program was late (-10 pts per day)
B. Program was too late to be accepted (-100 pts)
C. Program does not report the tax as an integer.  (-3 pts)
D. E-mail message(s) came with the wrong subject line (-3 pts)
E. Program does not produce correct output. (-50 pts)
F. Program has some incorrect outputs, but some are correct. (-10)
G. Program missing some header comments (-3)
H. Script shows little or no testing.  (-10)
I. Script shows no testing at or near boundary values (-4)
J. Script shows testing at or near only one boundary value (-2)
K. Program missing all header comments (-6)
L. Program does not compile. (-50 or more)
M. No script was submitted (-10)
N. Script does not show enough testing of ordinary (non-boundary) data (-4)
