(Latest Revision: 05/05/2000)

 Week 12 Notes for CS 1500 -- Spring 2000
(this is draft material)

* Take roll

* Look at the schedule 


* "ios" is the base class for stream I/O operations.

* "istream" and "ostream" are subclasses of "ios."
   + istream is specifically for input.  "cin" is an
   + ostream is specifically for output.  "cout" is an

* "ifstream" is a subclass of istream, tailored for
  FILE input.

* "ofstream" is a subclass of ostream, tailored for
  FILE output.

* In order to use ifstream or ofstream objects you
  need this directive:

  #include <fstream.h>
* These kinds of statements declare and open a
  file stream:

  ifstream infile("raw.dat") ;
  ofstream outfile("process.dat") ;

* Declaration and open can be done separately:

  ifstream infile ;
  infile.open ("raw.dat") ;

  ofstream outfile ;
  outfile.open("process.dat") ;

* the value of infile or outfile will be ZERO if the
  open operation fails, else non-ZERO.  One can use
  this fact to test for failure.

*  we can use extraction with an ifstream:

   infile >> num ;
*  we can use insertion with an ofstream:

   outfile << num ;
* An expression such as (infile >> num) or
  (outfile << num) has a value of ZERO if the
  operation fails, else non-ZERO.  One can use this
  fact to test for failure to do the operation.

* One can read individual characters from an ifstream
  like this:

   char ch ; 
   infile >> ch ;
   infile.get(ch) ;

   The first method skips white space, the second
   does not.  infile.get() also returns a value of
   ZERO or non-ZERO.

* Formatting works the same with the ifstream and
  ofstream classes as it does with cin and cout.

* Closing a file:

  infile.close() ;
  outfile.close() ;
* After closing, a stream can be re-used to open a
  different file (or the same one again).



* Previously we have used parameters that are passed
  by value -- a copy of the parameter goes to the
  function -- not the original.  The original is
  therefore unchanged by anything the function does
  to the copy.
* One can also pass a parameter to a function by
  reference (but only if the parameter is a variable,
  not a constant or an expression).  In this mode,
  the address of the variable is what the function
  actually recieves.  When the function examines or
  changes the parameter, it goes to the memory
  location indicated by the address and reads from or
  writes to that location in the memory.  That
  location is in the memory space accessible to the
  caller.  Therefore if function X calls function Y
  and passes a parameter z to Y by reference, Y can
  change the value of z in such a way that the change
  is visible to X.
* "We can also use pass by reference to avoid the
  time and space involved in copying an argument."

* To pass a ifstream or ofstream by value would mean
  copying what might be a large file.  This is not

* Arrays make it easy for a program to work with a large
  collection of items that are all of the same data type -- for
  example the prices of all the items in a store can be an
  array of 1000 floats.  Here is how that declaration would

  float price[1000] ;

  This tells the compiler to reserve a contiguous section of
  the memory, enough for 1000 float variables, and to associate
  the name "price" with the entire section.

* The array has a single name.  The programmer does not have to
  declare and name 1000 different float variables.

* The slots in the array are numbered from 0 to some upper
  limit.  In the example above, the slots are floating point
  variables numbered 0 to 999 inclusive.  (There are 1000 slots,
  but because 0 is the lowest, 999 is the highest.  There is no
  slot 1000.)  

* The programmer can access individual array slots by using
  "index notation."  For example, the stament price[3] = 5.95
  assigns the value 5.95 to the slot numbered 3 (the fourth
  slot in the array).

* One of the nicer things about arrays is that the index can be
  a variable or expression.  For example the statement

  for (int i=0; i<1000; i++) price[i] = 0.0 ;

  initializes all 1000 of the slots to the value 0.0 through
  the use of just one for-loop.
* Also the index to an array can be an input to a program.  If
  there is a line of input like:

  53  6.79

  and if the program statement is:

  cin >> i >> price[i] ;

  then this serves to change price[53] to the value 6.79.  If
  we want our program to make a long series of price changes,
  we can use C++ code like:

  cout << "Give an index and float value: " ;
  while (cin >> i >> price[i])
    cout << i << "   " << price[i] << endl ;
    cout << "Give an index and float value: " ;
  Then all we have to do is input a series like this to get all
  the price changes made that we desire:

   42    9.99
  193   18.54
   53   11.98
   17    5.79
  438    0.79
* Check out the sample program ex1003.cpp to see how arrays
  processing may be done in a program, and how arrays are
  passed as parameters to functions.


