(Latest Revision: 04/02/2000)

Week 08 Notes for CS 1500 -- Spring 2000
(this is draft material)

* Take roll

* Take a look at the schedule for the week. 

* Lab4 and Solo2 have *not* been graded yet -- stay tuned.

* We have a Lab5 on Friday.

* We will soon have a Solo3 to work on.

* strong typing of C++

* boolean data type: we have "bool" with vaues
  "true" and "false"

* C++ classes

* Header files: limits.h, math.h

* polymorphism

* classes and constructors


* I graded Lab #4 and posted the grades.

* Solo3 has been assigned.  Have a look at the
  directions and get started on the assignment.

* Solo 3 is due on Friday, April 14.  The
  tentative date for Quiz #2 is on the same
  day.  Shall we change the quiz date to the
  following Monday, April 17?
* Discuss concepts about floats and doubles.
  -- see contents of examples EX0501.CPP,
     EX0502.CPP, and EX0503.CPP in week07 directory.

* implicit coercion

* explicit coercion

* short int, int, long int, unsigned int

* lab directions

* ANNOUNCEMENT: I graded the Solo2's that I received by April
  5.  I sent e-mail to each person containing a grade report
  and copy of the program.  I put grade information in the web