(Latest Revision: 03/29/2000)

Week 07 Notes for CS 1500 -- Spring 2000
(this is draft material)

* Take roll

* Take a look at the schedule for the week. 

* Class grades -- some lab4 grades??

* I made a couple of adjustments to the list of
  partners.  Some people have a new partner.
  Also, there should perhaps be some additional
  structure.  I want "keyboardists" to alternate
  strictly from week to week.  You keyboard in
  lab one week, and your partner does it the
  following week.

* grade sheet shows results of "skimming" over
  what has been turned in on lab #4 so far.
  Codes L1, L2, and L2-test mean I noticed
  something wrong with, respectively, the level
  one, level two, or level two testing part.
  There could be other problems.  You should
  check your work, addressing the points given
  below, and re-submit what you think you did
  wrong.  You can work on it between now and
  Friday.  It's due Friday at 5:00 p.m.

* What are we doing in lab Friday??  Looks like
  finishing up with Lab #4
  + Evidently some people did not understand the
    "explicit and detailed" directions for the
    lab.  Perhaps we should go over them.
    - SPECIFIC ITEM:  review the purpose of the
      lab exercise.
    - SPECIFIC ITEM:  it is an objective of the
      lab that you correctly create a nesting of
      an if-else statement within the first else
    - SPECIFIC ITEM: directions state that "If
      the first score is out of range, the
      program should indicate the problem and
      refrain from reading the second score.
    - SPECIFIC ITEM:  program "listing" means
      program source code 
    - SPECIFIC ITEM:  It is not OK to "move"
      actions (such as printing of messages)
      from the main program to other functions.
      The functions are supposed to do what
      their specs say they do -- no more and no
      less.  (Keep in mind that you are supposed
      to be learning to write code to spec --
      part of the discipline of being a
      programmer.  This is like requiring
      musicians to play the notes on the
    - SPECIFIC ITEM: All code you write must
      be properly indented.
    - SPECIFIC ITEM: Step i requires you to use
      a temp variable and only one return

* I have moved back the deadline for Solo #2 --
  also to Friday -- some of you can get help
  that day in lab.  There will be chances also
  throughout the week: office hours 1-2 MWF,
  11:30-12:30 Tu-Th, and in class.
* Lecture topic -- working on Solo #2 -- tips

* When time allows look at the tips in the
  assignment directory for Solo #2 and the
  structure chart.
    + Shiflet says little about char data, and
      tip #4 should make up for that.


* Discuss concepts about floats and doubles.
  -- see contents of examples EX0501.CPP,
     EX0502.CPP, and EX0503.CPP.
  -- You can practice with doubles, say, this
     week if you use them for your tax program
     (Solo #2) when expressing amounts of money.

* How can I help students trying to write the
  taxes program?  Ideas:

   + Point out parallels to the program of Lab 04
   + Recite what each of the "boxes" in the
     structure chart does.

* polymorphism

* classes and constructors
