Week 01 Notes for CS 1500 -- Spring 2000

* Take roll and sign add sheets -- the class
  list may be available, else just use a sign-up

* Go over stuff in the course description.
  + Tell class the first lab will be Friday in
    p-288 doing hello world
      -- give class hello world handout & tell
	 class to read and get ready.
      -- give class Jove handout
      -- Do lab partner assignments.  They can
	 make swaps if they notify me by e-mail.
      -- Do sign-ups for Sun accounts.
      -- Show map to p-288
  + Show text books.  Shiflet is for reading.
    Andersen is for reading and reference.
  + Class must learn to work on Suns
  + Each Sun is equivalent to the others.

* Look at the partial schedule.

* About Compiling:
  + Computers have their machine language
  + Each micro-processor has its own machine
    -- In general a different language for each
       chip, although typically newer versions
       of a chip model will run the instructions
       of the earlier model.
    -- The machine language instructions do
       *really simple* things.  It takes too
       many of them to do anything of much
    -- High level languages solve the problem
       (well, to a degree).  High level
       languages do a lot more with each
       instruction, and they are portable too.
       Portable programs are a big plus.
  + Computers need support, or they cannot run
    high level languages.  A computer that could
    execute C++ instructions natively would be
    prohibitively expensive.
    -- The computer needs a compiler or
       interpreter -- a program that translates
       high level programs into machine language
    -- Since the machine languages of computers
       vary, different computers need particular
       compilers designed to produce their
       native language.
    -- We create a C++ program called hello.cpp
       with a character-file editor.  Word
       processors don't tend to work well for
       this purpose because the files they output
       are formatted with special codes that the
       compilers and interpreters are not
       designed to understand.  Also, editors
       for programs tend to include features
       that are helpful to programmers, such as
       auto-indent, and integration with
       compilation.  Word processors don't do
       that.  The g++ command translates
       hello.cpp into a.out.  g++ is the name of
       the compiler.  If we do "which g++" or
       "whereis g++", we can see where the g++
       program is in the system.  The translated
       program is called "a.out".  We type its
       name to run the program.


Notes for Hello-World lab:

* Remind students that Monday *is* a class day.
* Pass out accounts
* See if anyone needs to be shown how to telnet
  from a PC.
* Show people how to launch a browser and editor.
* Take attendance
* Remind students that each team is expected to
  send me an error free source file and a
  filtered script.
* Remind the students that the schedule contains
  a reading assignment for this week.
* Also, ask those in the group of 3 partners,
  and those with no partner to speak to me to
  get reassignment of partner.
* Begin with mass demo of how to do a login from
  a Sun ultra.
* Next do a demo of how to telnet to an Ultra
  from a Mac.
* Next do the same thing with an NT.
* After all that, let class go and start the
  hello world assignment.
* Will it be possible to tape a person logging
  in to a Sun Ultra.  It would be nice to be
  able to show this to some people in lecture.
* Don't forget that it is to the student's
  benefit to be made aware of how to use JOVE to
  compile and debug their programs.