Jens Herder

Professor, Fachhochschule, Duesseldorf

Formerly Research Associate, Computer Industry Laboratory,
and Assistant Professor of the Shape Modeling Laboratory,
University of Aizu

Dr.Eng./Univ. of Tsukuba 1999
Diplom-Informatiker 1991 (Technical University of Darmstadt)

Background Data

See: Jens Herder's Home Page

Research/Educational Interests

For current information see Jens Herder's Home Page

Research Description

Multimedia and three-dimensional graphics have to get much closer. Nowadays, we see a lot of applications of Multimedia in two-dimensional space. Multimedia should not have this limitation and in our research we put Multimedia data into three-dimensional space.

As we know, semantics in Multimedia applications is expressed by the application itself. A lot of applications are similar in structure to hyper-text systems. They allow one to find some Multimedia information via a graph. Such systems are called hyper-media systems.

In our object-oriented approach, the objects interact with the user or other objects on their own. The application's task is only to moderate the interaction and to provide some basic services including a tool-box to the objects.

Multimedia data such as audio and video are strongly time dependent. We want to find a representation which allows us to use and easily manipulate them together with graphics.

Industry needs a standard for three-dimensional data including Multimedia for saving on future investments in hard- and software. Based on such standards a wide array of portable applications may be developed.

Selected Publications

See: Jens Herder's Home Page
