Mathematics and Computer Science Speaker Series
California State University, Stanislaus
Date: Friday, May 7, 2010
3:30 - 4:30 p.m

Speaker: Melanie Martin

Reliability and Type of Consumer Health Documents on the World Wide Web: an Annotation Study

In this paper we present a detailed scheme for annotating medical web pages designed for health care consumers.  The annotation is along two axes: first, by reliability or the extent to which the medical information on the page can be trusted, second, by the type of page (patient leaflet, commercial, link, medical article, testimonial, or support). We analyze inter-rater agreement among three judges for each category. Inter-rater agreement was moderate (0.77 accuracy, 0.62 F-measure, 0.49 Kappa) on the reliability axis and good (0.81 accuracy, 0.72 F-measure, 0.73 Kappa) along the type axis.