(Latest Revision -- 09/25/07)


Note:  log into the system and type "teachjove" if you want to
get an online tutorial introduction to jove.

THE CHALLENGE -- JOVE IN TWO PAGES SOME NECESSARY NOTATION. Any ordinary character goes into the buffer (no insert command needed). In commands, use carriage return, shown as <cr>, after a string unless the chart shows otherwise. C- A control character. C-f means "control-f". M- A two-character command sequence where the first character is the ESC key (Altmode). M-f means ESC, then "f". M-x string A command designated "by hand". M-x revert file means: type ESC, "x", "revert file", then <cr>. point Point is the current position of THE LEFT SIDE OF THE CURSOR. GETTING OUT. C-x C-\ SAVE current buffer into a new version of current file. C-x C-w Save current buffer to file with ANOTHER name. (prompts) C-x C-c (EXIT JOVE) BUFFER OPERATIONS. C-x C-f Get a file into a buffer for editing (prompts for filename) C-x b Select a different buffer (prompts; default is last one) C-x C-b Display the list of available buffers C-x k Kill buffer (prompts; default is current one; use with caution) M-< Move to the top of the current buffer M-> Move to the end of the current buffer M-g n Move to line n M-x number Number the lines in the buffer, or get rid of the numbers if they are already there. HELP AND HELPER FUNCTIONS. C-g Abort anything, anytime (it beeps, you may need two) Also, GOOD FOR EXITING FROM HELP functions. M-? string Describe command. (try M-? query-replace, as an example) M-x apropos string Show all commands that contain string C-x ? key Describe-key (what does this key do? try C-x ? C-d) C-y Yank back last thing killed (kill and delete are different. You can't yank back a killed buffer.) M-n Provide a numeric argument of n for the command that follows. (HANDY! Try M-10 C-p as an example) CHARACTER OPERATIONS. C-b Move left (Back) C-f Move right (Forward) C-p Move up (Previous) C-n Move down (Next) backspace Delete left C-d Delete right C-t Transposes the 2 characters before and after point, and then moves point forward one position (ht --> th) WORD OPERATIONS. M-b Move left (Back) M-f Move right (Forward) M-RUBOUT Kill left (C-y yanks it back at point) M-DEL Same as M-RUBOUT M-d Kill right (C-y yanks it back at point)
M-c Capitalize word (phil --> Phil) M-u Uppercase word (phil --> PHIL) M-l Lowercase word (PHIL --> phil) LINE OPERATIONS. C-a Move to the beginning C-e Move to the end C-o Open up a line for typing C-x C-o Close up any blank lines around point M-0 C-k Kill from beginning to point (C-y yanks it back) C-k Kill from point to end (C-y yanks it back at point) SENTENCE OPERATIONS. M-a Move to the beginning. M-e Move to the end. C-x RUBOUT Kill from beginning to point. (C-y yanks it back) M-k Kill from point to end. (C-y yanks it back at point) PARAGRAPH OPERATIONS. M-[ Move to the beginning M-] Move to the end M-j Fill current paragraph (Fills space between margins, HANDY! There are other useful fill commands, try doing M-x apropos auto-fill) M-x set right-margin n Set right margin at column n M-x set left-margin n Set left margin at column n SCREEN OPERATIONS. C-v Show next screen M-v Show previous screen C-l Redisplay screen M-n C-l Move line at point to line n of screen (try n = 0, or 15) SEARCH AND REPLACE. C-\ string Searches forward and moves to string typed C-r string Searches backward and moves to string typed M-x replace-string Replace string with another (prompts for other string) M-x query-replace Replace string with another, wants SPACE or "y", meaning "do it", or RUBOUT or "n" to skip. REGION OPERATIONS. Region is area of buffer between point & mark C-@ Set the mark at point (for use with region commands) C-x C-x Interchange point and mark (i.e. go to the other end of the current region) M-w Copy the current region to the kill-buffer (C-y yanks it at point) C-w Kill the current region (C-y yanks it back at point) WINDOW OPERATIONS. C-x 2 Split the screen in two windows C-x 1 Resume single window (using buffer from top window) C-x O Move cursor to other window